The Moneywise Guys

The Moneywise Radio Show + Podcast

Tuesday, November 14th


Moneywise Wealth Management I "The Moneywise Guys" podcast

call: 661-847-1000

text in anytime: 661-396-1000


facebook: Moneywise_Wealth_Management

instagram: MoneywiseWealthManagement

linkedin: MoneywiseWealthManagement

Guests: Anna Franco and Darnetta Altamirano - independent Insurance Brokers

"The Basics of Medicare" 

Thursday, November 16th

Dignity Health Management Services
4500 California Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93309 

Call today to RSVP: 1-800-821-7748 

Direct download: 11-14-23_MW_SHOW.mp3
Category:Money Management -- posted at: 7:53am PST