The Moneywise Guys

The Moneywise Radio Show and Podcast

Thursday, April 4th


Moneywise Wealth Management I "The Moneywise Guys" podcast

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Guest: Michael George, Executive Vice President/Marketing for Safe One Credit Union 


Upcoming Free Estate Planning Workshop: 

When many people hear the words “estate planning,” they immediately think of a wealthy individual or family living in a mansion with millions of dollars in a bank account. The fact of the matter, however, is you don’t have to be a Rockefeller, Carnegie, Kennedy, Gates or Kardashian to take advantage of such financial vehicles.

Join Justin Leland, Financial Advisor for Moneywise Wealth Management, as he covers the need for careful attention when it comes to managing an estate and conserving your assets. Estate planning fundamentals, challenges, distribution techniques, important documentation and current tax laws will all be covered in this free, informative workshop being held in-person and via live stream on:

Tuesday, April 16th, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Bakersfield Christian High School, 12775 Stockdale Highway

Those interested in attending can RSVP by calling (661) 617-6065 or sending an email to Please supply the name(s) of attendee(s), a contact phone number, and if you plan on attending in-person or via the live stream.

This free workshop is provided by Moneywise Wealth Management and Safe 1 Credit Union. Hope to see you there!


Direct download: 4-4-24_MW_SHOW.mp3
Category:Money Management -- posted at: 7:34pm PST