The Moneywise Guys

The Moneywise Guys Radio Show

Monday, July 14th

Moneywise Hosts: David Anderson & Sherod Waite

Guests: Kyle Jones, Local Attorney

David Nillsson, President for Dingo Enterprises, Inc, River's End Rafting & Adventure Co.

Direct download: 7-14_MONEYWISE_GUYS_PODCAST_Final.mp3
Category:Money Management -- posted at: 5:42pm PST

The Moneywise Guys Radio Show

Friday, July 11th

Moneywise Hosts: Kris Pelster, John Duffield, C.P.A., & Kyle Jones, Local Attorney

Guests: Bob Meadows, Vice President & Manager for Mission Bank

Robin Paggi, Training Coordinator for WorkLogicHR

Direct download: 7-11_MONEYWISE_GUYS_PODCAST_Final.mp3
Category:Money Management -- posted at: 5:10pm PST