The Moneywise Guys

The Moneywise Radio Show and Podcast

Tuesday, May 28th


Moneywise Wealth Management I "The Moneywise Guys" podcast

call: 661-847-1000

text in anytime: 661-396-1000


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instagram: MoneywiseWealthManagement

Guest: Michael George, Executive Vice President/Marketing for Safe One Credit Union 


Upcoming Workshop

Making the Most of Social Security and Retirement Income Enhancing Strategies

Tuesday, June 4 / 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Bakersfield Christian High School, 12775 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield, CA

Those interested in attending can call (877) 723-3128 or send an email to secure their spot. Please provide the name(s) of attendee(s), a contact phone number, and how you plan to attend – in-person or live stream.

This workshop is provided by Safe 1 Credit Union and Moneywise Wealth Management. Hope to see you there!

Direct download: 5-28-24_MW_SHOW.mp3
Category:Money Management -- posted at: 7:47am PST