The Moneywise Guys

The Moneywise Guys

Friday, December 11th


Moneywise Wealth Management | “The Moneywise Guys” podcast
call: 661-847-1000
Guests: Oliver Sill, Owner/Partner of Voktail 
Dr. Corey Gonzales, Ph.D.
Direct download: 12-11-20_MW_PODCAST.mp3
Category:Money Management -- posted at: 2:15pm PST

The Moneywise Guys

Thursday, December 10th


Moneywise Wealth Management | “The Moneywise Guys” podcast
call: 661-847-1000
Guest: John Cox, Business Editor for the Bakersfield Californian 
Direct download: 12-10-20_MW_PODCAST.mp3
Category:Money Management -- posted at: 9:35pm PST